Box Developerドキュメント

Teams integration mappings

ガイド 統合マッピング Teams integration mappings

Teams integration mappings

Before you can start working with Teams integration mapping API, perform the steps below.


Create a Box application

  1. Create a platform app with OAuth authentication in the Box developer console.
  2. アプリケーションを開き、[構成] > [必須のアクセススコープ] で [Enterpriseのプロパティを管理する] アプリケーションスコープを有効にします。

Authorize integration mappings requests

  1. Navigate to the platform app that you have created as one of the prerequisites.
  2. 開発者トークンを生成し、次のように各リクエストのHTTPヘッダーに追加します。
Authorization: Bearer {developer_token}

The developer token is valid for 60 minutes. After that time, you need to generate it again.